Creative Designer | Maker | Photographer


This particular project was a lengthy process where I eventually produced over 24 paint can designs to be reviewed by the management team to establish the final design. As well as this cylindrical layout I was required to design a container with a conical base which involved using equations and degree angles which needed to be exact. I had to create not just the design but the functional template as we produce our own in-house labels.

I have designed shipping boxes for our large cans and our small sample pots. 

Sample pots

Shipping boxes

Sample boxes

Paint cans in a variety of sizes.

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My Process

My Process

I love to brain storm and sketch down my idea’s onto paper, usually this revolves around one idea that I stick with until I exhaust it. Once I have a few concepts I like the fun begins digitally. I will begin to draw structures and shapes to produce mock up’s and physical samples. On this occasion: the label needs to go around a cylindrical tin therefore, I will need to check it for how it reads and feels on the shape.

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project small files (15 of 35).jpg
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 These labels feature detailed safety information and warning instructions, therefore they needed to be uniformed and exact. Each label contains a large amount of this information.

These labels feature detailed safety information and warning instructions, therefore they needed to be uniformed and exact. Each label contains a large amount of this information.

 At Bike It International I designed various pieces of packaging, which were manufactured in China. Below: Mammoth Security Disc lock for a motorbike wheel, a small card for a silicone key-ring, and some card packaging for MotoGP. Following their sty

At Bike It International I designed various pieces of packaging, which were manufactured in China. Below: Mammoth Security Disc lock for a motorbike wheel, a small card for a silicone key-ring, and some card packaging for MotoGP. Following their style guidelines, this is produced to fit their branding and Identity.

key ring web.jpg
balaclava for webs.jpg